Celebrating National Volunteer Week: April 19 – 25
It's National Volunteer Week! To put it simply, the Mann Center experience would not be possible without the large group of dedicated volunteers who give their time, talent, and energy to our organization. Thank you. To celebrate, we're highlighting our lovely group of ambassadors by sharing some of their stories and kind words. We can't wait to welcome you back to the Mann!
Frank Friedman, Volunteer for 10 Years
I first moved from Indiana to Philadelphia with my family in the Summer of 1974. Not long after, we began to go to the Mann several times each Summer to hear Philadelphia Orchestra Concerts. We faithfully cut “Mann” coupons out of the Inquirer every week and took in some of the most beautiful orchestral music we had heard in many years, while sitting on the lawn, often with friends, eating delicious meals brought from home and sipping wine.
Even without all the amenities now afforded Mann attendees, going to the Mann back in those days was something we looked forward to every week. As my older daughter’s interests grew into classical music, we often took her with us, even before she was 10 years old.
As our financial situation improved, we later began buying tickets “underneath and up closer” to the orchestra. As the orchestra concerts began to be replaced with other musical genres, I went to the Mann to hear artists such as Jackson Browne, Elton John, and later Bonnie Raitt, and Alison Krauss (with or without Robert Plant), James Taylor (what a treat), and more recently the Avett Brothers and the Tedeschi-Trucks Band.
About ten years ago, I answered the call to become a Mann Volunteer. The rest is history. I have been a Mann Ambassador and donor for at least 10 years (give or take). So, what’s the attraction you might ask? Of course, there is the music, and now, more than ever, the comfort of new seats, a WOW of a sound system, and big screens for lawn goers. But most of all, it’s the people. The staff works amazingly hard, yet always finds time to make the volunteers feel welcome and important. I have made many new, and now treasured, friends through the volunteer program. And I have met and enjoyed the company of a number of wonderfully friendly and fascinating Mann attendees. The people make all the difference.
As I wind down my professional work, the Mann has assumed a new and larger importance in my social and cultural life. Thank you, Mann people. There is no way to repay you for your friendship and for all you have done to make the Mann Center for the Performing Arts a truly magical place.
Adrienne C. Walls, Volunteer for 12 Years
As a long-time fan of the Mann, it has been an honor and a delight to share these experiences with fellow fans old & new! It is ALWAYS #AGreatNightOut!
Glad that we are now hosting weddings and special events because we have THE BEST view of the city from the "top of the hill"!
It's both fun and nostalgic when I am on post at the House Stairs. Long-time patrons in search of the restroom are always surprised that they are no longer at the bottom of those stairs! We then get to share how many previous concerts they attended and remembered going down those stairs at intermission!!!
Here's to our wonderful future! #ThanksForKeepingTheMusicAliveDuringTheseTroubledTimes!